
Differences between KVA and KW

Though both kVA and kW are units of measure used to describe power, kVA is a kilo volt amperes and kW is a kilowatt. KVA is known as the apparent power of an electrical system or of a particular circuit. In direct current circuits the kVA is equal to the kW, while they are different in alternating current circuits. That’s because the kW is the amount of actual power that does valid work where only a fraction of kVA is available and accessible to do work while the rest is in excess in the current.

The relationship between kVA, kW and the power factor can express like this: kW = kVA x power factor. In direct current circuits, there is no difference between the kVA and the kW because of the power factor. The power factor leads or lags depending on the way that the load shifts the phase of the current compared to the phase of the voltage. This creates a unity in the direct current circuits. In alternating current circuits, voltage and current may get out of phase leading to a difference in kW and kVA that will be based on the power factor.

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